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Student Life: Student Life

The English Department

English is given an utmost significance at Al-Bashaer School for Science. Unlike many schools, at our school students get exposed to English beginning in first grade by having two weekly hours throughout the whole year. Then in the 2nd grade they get one extra hour. Then from 3rd grade onward students get 4 hours a week. When getting to high school the majority of students take the 5 points matriculation exams (the highest level) and only a fraction of them take 4 points (the second highest level). The average scores students get in their matriculation exams are among the top 5% in the country. The school employs highly qualified English teachers who work very hard to make English accessible to everyone.

To improve students' level in English, many programs are offered at the school, among which is MUN (Model United Nations) in which students have to communicate in English only throughout the whole program. This involves participating in conferences nationally and internationally. Negotiation Education is another program students had the chance to participate in, in which they debate for a couple of days with their peers from different schools in English. Furthermore, the school is part of a pioneer program called Galilee Dreamers through which Arab and Jewish students meet regularly and learn about each other's lives and travel in delegations to different countries such as Canada, the USA and South Africa.   

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